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Apply for a Scholarship

We award first-year, undergraduate Puerto Rican women. Stand by for the next opening of scholarship applications.


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2024 Scholarship Awards for Senior High School Students

[caption id=attachment_764 align=aligncenter width=1728] Three $1,000 each scholarships available for Female Graduating High School Students accepted into college, native or descendent of Puerto Rican parent/s or grandparent/s, residing in Miami-Dade, Broward or Monroe

45th Anniversary and 2022 Alicia Baró Achievement Award Event

[caption id=attachment_742 align=alignleft width=478] Dr. Frances Colón, 2022 Alicia Baró Achievement Awardee with Miami Chapter's President, Dr. Mayra L Hernández[/caption] On Sunday, April 10th, 2022, the Miami Chapter celebrated its 45th Anniversary honoring Dr. Frances Colón, the 2022 Alicia Baró Achievement Awardee. Dr. Colón presently serves on President Biden's Council of Advisors on Science and

2019 NACOPRW’s Scholarship Award Luncheon

Please join us on Sunday, July 14th, 2019 at Miami Shores Country Club [10000 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami Shores, FL  33126] from 11:30AM to 2:30PM. Our keynote speaker will be Adriana Vargas Hernández, Executive Sales Associate of Estates at Acqualina. We will award three scholarships to graduating high school female students who are heading