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We award first-year, undergraduate Puerto Rican women. Stand by for the next opening of scholarship applications.


We accept donations through Paypal. Here, you can make a general donation, pay for your membership fee, or event admission.

Annual Picnic 2015 & Swearing In the New Board Members

On October 25th, 2015, NACOPRW Miami members and relatives gathered at the Oleta River State Park to enjoy the North Miami beach breeze and eat at the annual picnic. For lunch and dinner, we ate a good variety of Puerto Rican food such as alcapurrias, balaitos, pinonons, and the classic arroz con poyo. Those who

Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2015

We honored two outstanding scholarship recipients and an Alicia Baro Award recipient on August 15, 2015, at the Miami Springs Country Club. Puerto Ricans Overseas in Florida (PROOF) also celebrated their Silver Anniversary and awarded two other young ladies with PROOF scholarships as well. So overall, the event was a huge success. While the recipients

Annual Family Picnic 2014

It's that time again! Family and friends were gathered at the Oleta River State Park on Sunday, October 26, 2014. It's a great place to go biking or boating, and enjoy the calming breeze off the coast of North Miami overlooking Biscayne Bay. Attendees enjoyed playing instruments, dominoes, and card games. We had a good variety

Scholarship Awards 2014

This event was held at the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant on Saturday June 7th, 2014. Myrna Betancourt (above), began the event with her inspirational keynote speech by describing her career journey from a social worker to her current passion as a culinary arts teacher. Congrats to Myrna Betancourt, who was awarded as 2015 Miami-Dade County Teacher of

NACOPRW Miami 2012/2013 Board Members, Swearing In

For the term of 2012 and 2013, the elected NACOPRW Miami Chapter board members are sworn in by the judge at the beginning of the year. Swearing in officially recognizes them as board members and so they pledge to participate in their roles and achieve their respective duties. Here are the board members for the NACOPRW